Tübitak 1512 BIGG (Biodesign and Biofabrication)

This study, conducted in collaboration with Aydınlı Group, was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under Project No. 2210144. We would like to thank TUBITAK for its support to the project.

KOSGEB R&D Innovation (Processing of Agricultural Wastes with Biotech Processes and Development of Biodegradable, Biofunctional Materials)

This study, carried out in cooperation with Aydınlı Group, was supported by the Turkish Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB) under Project No. 61DV9. We would like to thank KOSGEB for its support to the project.

European Union-Horizon Europe- SoTecIn Factory Phase I (Waste to Rainbow)

The relevant project is on pilot scale production of biomaterial through waste valorization and application of the material in the textile industry(Sun Tekstil Collaboration).

TÜBİTAK 1507 (Pilot Scale Biomaterial Production and Application to Textile Products)

This study, carried out in collaboration with SUN Tekstil, was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under Project No. 7238047. We would like to thank TUBITAK for its support to the project.

If you want to get a collaboration for projects, please do not hesitate to contact us